Publication Types:

Evaluation of Non-Acid-Forming material layering for the prevention of acid mine drainage of pyrite and jarosite

Journal Paper
Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan, Yoseph Palinggi, Marisa Handajani, Kris Pranoto, Ananda Atmaja
Abfertiawan, M.S.; Palinggi, Y.; Handajani, M.; Pranoto, K.; Atmaja, A. Evaluation of non-acid-forming material layering for the prevention of acid mine drainage of pyrite and jarosite. Heliyon 2020, 6, 1–8. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
Publication year: 2020

Hydrology Simulation of Ukud River in Lati Coal Mine

Journal Paper
M. Sonny Abfertiawan, Rudy Sayoga Gautama, Syahril Badri Kusuma, Sudarto Notosiswoyo
Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Volume 03, Issue 1, March 2016, Pages 21-31
Publication year: 2016